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Why Meteodays?


Our weather forecasting solution combines advanced weather prediction models with artificial intelligence, providing highly accurate weather forecasts.


Are you planning a trip, an event, or going outside? Get all the weather data you need to make informed decisions in one place.


Experience the diverse weather data in a clear and visually appealing way with an intuitive design.


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Hybrid Forecasting Technology (HFT)

By combining comprehensive weather observations with advanced numerical weather prediction models and sophisticated accuracy tuning methods, we can significantly improve the accuracy and precision of weather forecasts.

We refer to this as Hybrid Forecasting Technology (HFT), which is the result of years of scientific research, development, testing, and refinement. This technology overview highlights the key steps of the data transformation pipeline which significantly improves the accuracy of weather forecasts.

To ensure the highest level of accuracy, we have established a pipeline for processing weather forecasting data that consists of multiple stages. Each stage builds on the results of the previous one to ultimately produce the most accurate and reliable forecast possible.

HFT illustration
  1. public
    The pipeline starts by using global weather prediction models to create a broad overview of the expected weather patterns.
  2. travel_explore
    Then, the results of these models are refined through regional weather prediction models, which are specifically tuned for certain regions around the world to improve accuracy for that area.
  3. query_stats
    Next, the first stage of post-processing involves the application of statistical methods, which enhances the accuracy of the predictions.
  4. troubleshoot
    Lastly, sophisticated Machine Learning methods are employed to produce precise forecasts for particular metrics including temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation.


The outcome of this process is a weather forecast of accuracy that is relied upon by millions of people worldwide.

Weather forecasts for 219 countries

We offer comprehensive weather observations and highly accurate forecasts for today, tomorrow and up to two weeks for almost any place in the world.

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