Welcome to our division

Message from the division chief
Amir Kazory, MD
I would like to welcome you to the website Generic Clomid of the UF Division of Nephrology, Hypertension, and Renal Transplantation.
Check Out Our Latest Renal Clomiphene citrate Grand Rounds!
About US
Meet our team of highly-skilled clinicians, teachers and researchers.
The University of Florida is the perfect setting for residents and medical students to develop a career in nephrology.
The division has a long history of major contributions to the filed of nephrology.
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Division News & Announcements
First triple-organ transplant of its kind in the…
If surgery were gymnastics, a triple-organ transplant would be a feat worthy of the Olympics. It has everything: Complex and intricate procedure…

UF Health launches NIH-sponsored trial to…
Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful and dangerous, but relief may be on the way. A new University of Florida Health clinical trial will test…

In recognition of World Kidney Day, UF Health…
March 11 is World Kidney Day, aiming to raise awareness of the importance of kidney health, preventive care & risk factors. Chintan Shah, M.D…